Thursday, July 7, 2011

Fighting a losing battle

2 freaking 16. As in two hundred and sixteen pounds. As in I've gained 10 pounds in the past couple of months.


This wouldn't be so unfortunate had it not been for the following facts:
-I wrote a weight loss blog for 10 months.
-I have a workout facility at my apartment complex.
-I've been on a weight loss journey since January of 2010.

And, oh yes, our wedding is in approximately 51 days.


When I was a blogger for That's Fit, I had a weekly deadline, feedback from my awesome editor and constantly feared failing not only myself but also the people who read my blog. I've missed that level of accountability. A blog shouldn't be my only reason to lose weight, but I'll be honest - it sure did help!

Now, I realized, I only blog when I get one of those moods where I feel invincible and have all these great plans...only to quickly fall flat. Instead of blogging through the challenges, I've been eating my way through them.

I feel miserable. My clothes that were flattering are starting to look rather uncomfortable and please, let us not forget that I have a w-e-d-d-i-n-g dress to fit into.

The first step is to lay my very own "ground rules."

-Return to weigh-in Wednesday - no matter the good, the bad and possibly the ugly.
-Be better about planning my workouts as well as my meals. No more eating because it feels good. No more going over my calorie budget just because I feel like I deserve it. No more, "I'll start Monday." This starts now.
-Upload pictures, recipes, training progress, etc. along the way.
-At the very least, post a weekly blog update (aside from the weigh-in Wednesday).
-Figure out my short-term and long-term fitness and health goals and also figure out why this hasn't been working and what I can do to make sure these are lifestyle changes.

So, here we go...again. Hopefully you will see me fight my battle to lose weight, go from fat to fit and fabulous and share my tips and tricks along the way.


  1. Fitness Training is a very good exercise through this full-body work out.This is a informative post that have positive effect on our health.
