Monday, July 18, 2011

...And this is why you're fat.

"I had a bad day, so I deserve any and all the food that I want..."

"I'm too tired. I worked hard so I don't have to exercise. I deserve a break..."

Entitlement comes in many forms. Whether it's because you feel you are owed something just because, or because you feel you deserve a break because things have been difficult for you.

No, we don't deserve anything and we aren't owed anything. Quite the contrary. What we deserve and what we are owed is the opportunity to live a happy, healthy life. That doesn't mean that because I've had a bad day, I get to indulge in all the treats I want. That's silly. No wonder I'm fat; every day is a hard day. I don't get cakes, cookies, chips and comfort food because I've survived another day.

It's called life. Life happens.

Just because I want something, doesn't mean I deserve it. Just because you want a new car, a new house, a new body doesn't mean you deserve it. You have to work hard for it.

I can't wish away the the extra 50 pounds I'm carrying on my frame. I can't wish for things to be easier. Wishing is cute, but hard work gets the job done. Actually, at this point, any work will at least be a right step in getting the job done.

I'm not looking forward to Wednesday's weigh-in. Since Thursday, I've made excuses:

Thursday night: We deserve pizza because we had a power outage and a gas leak.
Friday lunch: We deserve lunch out because we survived another week.
Saturday: Peter had to work so we deserve a treat.
Sunday: We haven't had much of a weekend, so we deserve to have a nice lunch with friends that includes pre-appetizers, appetizers, a full meal and dessert.

Peter and I have been watching (well, he's been watching, typically I fall asleep on the couch, but whatever) the Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition show. Last week's contestant really struck a cord with me. He was so incredibly addicted to food, lying about what he was eating and exercising and simply couldn't make the changes he needed to make.

I understand that I'm not hundreds of pounds overweight, but truthfully, sometimes I'm surprised that I'm not. I've said and done most of the things that man had...he had all the help in the world but couldn't kick his addiction to food. He probably felt he deserved the fast food, the donuts, the whatever.

I really do believe there is some truth in the quote that "everyone is living the life that he or she wants," because if it's not what you want, you will take steps to fix it. This weekend and prior weeks, I didn't take the right steps to fixing myself so in a way, I was living the life that I wanted...or perhaps it was the life I deserved at that point?

What I deserve is stop making excuses, get off my butt and stop eating crap.

Here's to another Monday...another day and week to maybe get it right.

1 comment:

  1. I think that it's ok to treat yourself, especially after actually tough day/weeks. The trouble is not using "treating yourself" as an excuse for constant over (and unhealthy) indulgence. and who says treating yourself has anything to do with food? It's that cycle that really needs to be broken, not that you can't treat yourself, but defining what a treat is and what truly deserves it. katie
