Thursday, January 22, 2009

weight loss update numbero uno

well, i failed. at least i can be honest.

i was very sporadic with my food journaling, and i only made it to the gym once, not twice. i ended up not being as healthy as i had hoped and the first week on my journey was not one of motivation as i had hoped, but one of complacency which i am desperately trying to avoid.

so, there's my update.

HOWEVER...(this is me, you know there's always a 'but' or next phase)

i did at least attempt journaling, i made it to the gym once and i tried to make better choices on more than once occasion which is a step in the right direction.

for the upcoming week, i'm raising the bar. from january 22-january 29, i commit to:
-keeping my food journal and tracking my weight watchers points
-more positive self-talk aka instead of calling myself fat, focus on the healthy and good parts of my body and fitness
-go to bed and not fall asleep on the couch and disrupt my sleep patter; poor sleep patterns can in turn have a negative impact on weight loss and energy
-do the bally 3-day a week fitness schedule:
  • 5-10 minute warm-up
  • 30 minutes of cardiovascular activity
  • 5-10 minute cool-down
  • 10 minutes stretching
  • strength training: leg extension, leg curl, chest press, shoulder press, seated row, bicep curl, tricep extensions and crunches
last week, i didn't put a "weight loss" pound amount. i know some of you are going to think this is a bit far fetched but since it's my first week of really getting down to business, i'd love to lose five pounds, which is not completely unattainable. while one to two pounds of weight loss is healthy, when you first begin a diet and exercise regime, you can lose a few more pounds the first couple of weeks (mainly water weight). so those are my goals for week two.

i will be more successful than week one!

also, random side note ~ thank you so much to everyone who takes time to read this silly blog o' mine as well as the beautiful, motivating and ridiculously kind comments and messages regarding my 'painful truth' blog. it's so wonderful knowing i have so many awesome people behind me :) thank you!

*love and hugs*

1 comment:

  1. Ashley my least you went to the gym!
    Don't beat yourself can't be perfect 100% of the time. are so hot now ;-)
