Wednesday, January 14, 2009

first blog of randomness

well hello to the blogging world! i don't know what kept me from subscribing and writing down my random thoughts this long...probably my pseudo-usage of my myspace blog way back when.

so, what's on my mind? well that's a very loaded question.

first off, let me say that yes, i do know how to use proper punctuation and spelling aka capitalization; however, i don't feel it necessary to use upper-case letters in my blog. call me crazy. BUT, grammar is a necessary evil and will be used like a champ. also, i purposely spell 'ok' as ohkay. last, i tend to type how i talk. it happens.

whew, glad to get that out of the way.

job searching sucks. it's not fun. updating your resume, emailing it out, applications, interviews...and best of all, rejection. i'm so completely over it. i'm crossing my fingers that by the end of january i'll have some sort of direction/something figured out because may 1st (when my contract is up) will be here oh so soon...sigh.

although i'm terrified and worried about the "what if" in the job world, i've also never been happier - if that makes any sense. i'm completely, hopelessy, ridiculously in love and it is the best, most wonderful and healthiest relationship.

not only do i have the most fabulous boyfriend, i have a great, sincere friend in his sister! nicole has been the sweetest person ever and it's been great getting to know her online and then meeting her in person over christmas.

speaking of wonderful friends, i love mine. i'm such a lucky girl because my friends are so amazing. i don't know what i did to deserve them, but they love me and pick me up when i'm down and i couldn't imagine my life without them. i'm missing ashley something terrible, but she's supposed to come visit in january.

i miss blacksburg. i told you this was a random collection of thoughts. i miss my grad school friends, i miss my crazy life, i miss christa and lisa and our weirdness and of course, i miss alesha and practically living with her my last year in blacksburg. i miss our special bond, not just as friends but as family and so wish we could recreate "blacksburg" somewhere.

on a serious note, i often wonder what was the point - other than the experience - of going to college and graduate school. i have two degrees, a job i don't like, no luck finding a new one and nearly fifty grand in student loan debt. don't get me wrong, i would gladly pay the price for the five years i spent in blacksburg for undergrad and grad school and i'm so very proud of my degrees, but i just wonder when the work will start to pay off...or will it? and speaking of paying off, will i ever been student loan debt free?

and of course, no blog or writing from me would be complete without some sort of quote...

so the title of my blog is a britney spears song (i mean, really, would you expect anything less), "overprotected."

since i know y'all are dying to know the rest of the lyrics:

"say hello to the girl that i am,
you're gonna have to see through my perspective
i need to make mistakes just to learn who i am
and i don't wanna be so damn protected..."

oh and the chorus of the song is very fitting for where i am career wise:
"...what am i to do with me life?
(you will find it out don't worry)
how am i supposed to know what's right?
(you just gotta do it your way)..."

*love and hugs*


  1. so i saw a fb update that you had a blog...yay!

    we should get together for lunch soon -- it's been a while.


  2. Britney...seriously...I'm officially boycotting your blog.

  3. Ashley my Dear! So glad you have a blog now... even if you don't CAPITALIZE. At least you use proper grammer ;-)
    Love you!!
