Monday, May 2, 2011

Makeover May!

Alright. It's May. May 2nd.

That means there are approximately 117 days until our wedding, which also means I have 116 days to become the happy, healthy (and hopefully pretty) bride I hope to be - so I need a plan.

And I need a plan that is measurable, broken up over smaller goal points and manageable for me.

So, I've started with May. What is my plan for May?

Let's break it down even further, what can I commit to for the next four weeks from Monday May 2nd through Sunday May 29th?

Some of these goals might sound odd, but they are things I have been struggling with lately.

1. I will not purchase any of our trigger foods for our apartment. Trigger foods include but are not limited to: break-and-bake cookies, pastries, sweets, candy, take-out pizza, etc. I will be mindful of the foods that I purchase and examine nutrition labels.

2. I will use my tracker to log my fitness minutes, food choices, water, goals, etc.

3. I will run a minimum of two times per week.

4. I will ride the stationary bike once per week.

5. I will participate in the 100-push-up challenge.

6. I will ramp up my beauty routine to make sure my skin, nails, hair, etc. look wonderful not only for the big day, but so that I start to feel pretty and confident in my daily life. Also, I must remember to take my vitamins.

7. I will switch my weigh-in day back to Monday. I feel like I will be more accountable over the weekends if I know my weigh-in is on Monday. I will continue to post weekly weigh-in pictures, and I will resume the pictures next Monday.

8. I will put a positive spin on things. For example, instead of focusing on how sore I feel from working out (or completing a 10k this past Saturday), I will remember that I pushed my body to do something that I didn't think was possible.

9. I WILL GET TO 'ONE'-DERLAND! Bye-bye 2-ville! (aka, in the next four weeks, I WILL get to 199.9 or less. WILL.)

Ready, set, go!

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