Saturday, February 21, 2009

♥ two peas in a pod ♥

25 Things - Couples Addition

♥ How long have you been together?
it'll be four months on monday - seems like so so much longer!

♥ How long did you know each other before you started dating?
we met october 12th...started dating october 23rd, but we've been inseparable since about october 17th :p

♥ Who asked who out?
it's the cutest story ever and he's gonna be so mad at me for telling :p but i'm telling anyways! we were hanging out and i was going to winchester for something and jokingly asked him what he was gonna do without me around since he didn't have any friends besides me in charlottesville. he said, "well since i don't have any friends, i don't know." and i said, "well i'm your friend!" and he said, "i want you to be more than my friend." (super cute, i know) so i played the girl card and said, "what do you mean?" and peter said, "i want you to be my girlfriend." makes my heart melt each time i think of that story :)

♥ How old are each of you?
24...his birthday is august 5th...mine is november 5th...and for good measure, mollie dog's birthday is march 5th :p

♥ Whose siblings do/ did you see the most?
mine since my brother is only two hours away...unfortunately his awesome siblings are all the way in michigan

♥ Do you have any children together?
children aren't our favorite accessories right now, maybe they'll be in style in about five years?

♥ What about pets?
we have our little mollie dog

♥ Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
hmm, we've both been in some pretty crummy situations with people who didn't treat us, so we're both a bit insecure, but we're getting over that and it's been so amazing to be in a loving, healthy relationship where we can actually talk about the future and talk about what's bothering each of us

♥ Did you go to the same school?
negatory, but i'm turning him into an honorary hokie :)

♥ Are you from the same home town?
nope. not even from the same town...he needed a country girl, apparently i needed a midwestern boy :p

♥ Who is smarter?
he thinks i am because i have a master's degree but i completely think that he is smarter...he knows the most random information and just has the most extensive body of knowledge, it's incredible. i learn something every day from him.

♥ Who is more sensitive?
oh me, fo sho.

♥ Where do you eat out most as a couple?
we have a lot of fun places to go, but he's also helped me become a better cook because i like to come home and make him dinner

♥ Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?

♥ Who has the craziest exes?
hmmm, craziest? i know that i have the most ridiculous, hateful, womanizing exes of basically anyone i know, ha

♥ Who has the worse temper?
neither of us really has a 'bad' temper, but we're both very passionate and protective about what and who is important to us - especially regarding each other.

♥ Who does the cooking?
i cook more than he does because i get home earlier than he does

♥ Who is more social?
oh me...i'm an extreme extrovert. i like talking to strangers.

♥ Who is the neat-freak?
oh totally him. exhibit a. he cleaned our kitchen while i was at a conference all day a few saturdays ago and the next day i came home and somehow the kitchen wasn't so clean so i asked, "what happened?!" and he says, "you happened." and when my aunt and grandmother came to give us a table, my aunt told me i needed to have peter around sooner because my place had never been so clean :p

♥ Who is the more stubborn?
he says that i am...i asked why and he said, "because." hmmm.

♥ Who hogs the bed?
apparently i do. but he's totally a cover-stealer.

♥ Who wakes up earlier?
peter during the week, most certainly me on the weekends

♥ Who has the bigger family?
i immediate family and extended family is huge and i love it!

♥ Do you get flowers often?
i got hokie colored roses for my birthday and i looooooooved them

♥ How do you spend the holidays?
we split them...thanksgiving with my family and christmas with his was wonderful!

♥ Who is more jealous?
i think it's a toss up...we're both not a fan of the others' past experiences

♥ How long did it take to get serious?
not long at all considering we met in october and spent the holidays with each others' families

♥ Who eats more?
he does :p but we both enjoy our share of food

♥ Who does/did the laundry?
we still kinda do our own laundry but we do a couple things for each other now and then

♥ Who’s better with the computer?
i think he is...he does the spy sweepers and things. i definitely play on the computer more though.

♥ Who drives when you are together?
oh does...i'm not much for driving...he drove all the way to michigan and back :p

Monday, February 16, 2009

...a grandfather is someone with silver in his hair and gold in his heart...

i wrote this on february 1, 2007...exactly a year after my grandfather passed away. i don't know if it's because there are so many changes going on, or because i'm coming off of my meds, but today is his birthday and i miss him more than usual (if that's possible...)

i wish every child could have the type of bond i had with my grandaddy...

"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal. Love leaves a memory no one can steal."

I was in my apartment and my aunt and her husband knocked on the door. I remember asking Lisa (my roommate last year) if she had someone visiting her because I was wishing, hoping, praying that she did and that the knock wasn't Tammie because I knew if Tammie was at my apartment then it could only mean one thing.

I had talked to my mom about 15 minutes before Tammie came over, so I automatically knew it was her. It takes about 15 minutes to get from their house to my old apartment. I was uncontrollable. I literally couldn't breathe. I hid in the bathroom for a little bit and finally came back out and went to see my Granny.

I truly don't know if there is any greater pain than a broken heart. There is so much love and hope and faith you carry in your heart for a friend, a significant other, a family member and when that person is no longer there, a piece of your heart – your love, hope and faith – literally breaks and you really can't get that back. I look at pictures and I think to myself, he's not really gone, he's not really gone…

Maybe I'm over dramatic, maybe I'm acting like a little girl, but it's really hard for to accept the fact that he's gone. A year later and I still can't figure out how to move past the fact that my Grandfather is gone. People try to say that when a person dies he or she becomes their guardian angel and that person is with you in spirit. Hearing that and knowing that doesn't make the pain any less.

The ONLY only only way I've been able to not go completely crazy without my Grandfather is that I know that he's not suffering. It was heartbreaking to see Grandaddy go from being his strong, independent, handsome, gentle self to a dependent, sick, frail, pained man. I hate cancer. There are very few things, if any others besides cancer, that I hate. But I do - I hate cancer.

Right before I was born, my Grandfather had some pretty serious heart issues. I've always been told that I helped my Grandfather "get better." I was his heart, his pumpkin, his sweetie pie, his little girl…

I will always be a GranDaddy's Girl. Whenever I had a fight with my mom or Granny, I went to him. Whenever I was being silly or had a bad day, I went to him. And now when I need him the most, he isn't here…

I keep half expecting to one day pick up the phone and hear his voice. I have his Atlanta Braves hat sitting on my dresser and it no longer smells like him. I realized that two days ago and it really really upset me. In my head I can still hear his voice.

One of the hardest, weirdest and challenging parts about someone's death is realizing you will never see that person again. That was the hardest part for me to grasp/understand at the funeral. I walked in with Granny and we went to the casket and I kissed Grandaddy on the cheek. It was difficult to do that because that was the last touch of my Grandfather and it was cold, when every other hug and kiss had been warm and full of so much love.

His death has made things a little awkward in my family. I know my Granny is heartbroken, my four year old cousin misses her Grandaddy. Sometimes she likes to talk about Grandaddy and I can't even really listen to her because I can't listen to her talk about him and know that he's not here. And Baby Adisun (my youngest cousin) will never know the wonderful man who meant so much to so many people.

His birthday is/would have been February 16th. He died fifteen days before turning 80. The few months of life he had before his passing were spent mostly in the hospital with a few weeks spent at home. It's really hard for me to be in Charlottesville right now for this interview because the last time I was in Charlottesville was to visit Grandaddy after one of his surgeries for cancer.

Grandaddy, I miss you. I love you. My life, my heart, my everything is not complete without you. We had a closeness that very few grandchildren truly have with their grandparents. I would give anything, and I literally mean anything, to see you right now. For one last hug, one last I love you, just to pick up the phone and hear your voice saying, "hey sweetie."

When I Get Where I'm Going Lyrics…
"...I'm gonna walk with my Grandaddy,
and he'll match me step for step,
and I'll tell him how I missed him,
every minute since he left.
Then I'll hug his neck…"

Side note: some of y'all might be wondering, "geez Ashley why in the world did you write that? It's depressing." It's not meant to be depressing, it's not meant for anyone to feel sorry for me. As much as I enjoy talking, there are some things I can't talk about very well and well, this is one of those topics.

And lastly...songs are great when trying to say what you feel without being able to find the words...
"...If I could get another chance
Another walk, another dance with him
I'd play a song that would never, ever end
How I'd love, love, love to dance with my father again..."

In loving, loving and peaceful memory of Robert Clinton Blake, February 16, 1925-February 1, 2006.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

you marry a role and you give up your soul 'til you breakdown...

perhaps, "starting over, yet again" would probably be a better title for this post. i forgot how hard the weight loss journey can be...and things have not been going well so far BUT i feel as though things are about to get better, friends!

last week, i talked to my doctor and she wants to pull me off one of my medications (i say 'one' like i take many meds; i take two: an anti-baby pill and a happy pill). she and i decided that it would be best for me to start going off of my anti-depressant (aka happy pill). i've been on it since about june or july of last year...and it's caused a 40 pound weight gain in six months.

because of the weight gain, i think that the medication has had a negative impact on my mental well-being and happiness. i was doing a little research online and found some interesting things about celexa (the medication i was taking):

If you're experiencing extreme weight gain while taking celexa, you're not alone. Weight gain is one of the most common side effects of celexa. And sometimes the weight gain becomes extreme.

The extreme celexa weight gain can most likely be attributed to two causes:

1. Celexa causes strong food cravings in some people who take it.

2. There's a very good chance that celexa has lowered your resting metabolic rate.

yup. sound about, if i seem a little emotional/odd for awhile, it's because my brain chemistry is trying to get back to the pre-medication state. thankfully peter is very loving and understanding; i truly don't think i'd be going off of them without him in my life - wish me luck!

*love and hugs*

p.s. name that song and/or band and you win bonus points in my cool book :p

surveys = lame, but oh well :p

You and your most recen​t ex run into each other​ you:
I stop and ask myself, "why is that mother fucker still alive??" (haha allen, your answer just made me laugh in hysterics because i could see you doing that) response? hmm, first, define ex, that would be a good start :p

Are you happy​ with the way life is going​?​
other than the job situation, the family being a little bonkers, the medicine causing extreme weight gain...everything is fabulous :) i love my life because i love the people in my life

What did you do today​?​
lucky me, i woke up at 5 a.m. but that's because i'm excited about pictures today with peter

How are you feeli​ng?​
fine thanks for asking :)

What time did you wake up this morni​ng?​
damn you survey...5 in the a.m. is not a good look or time for me, especially when peter and mollie dog are still sound asleep

Last perso​n to text you?
peter yesterday

What'​s your bigge​st conce​rn right​ now?
hmmm, wednesday's interview/meeting because it could literally change everything else that i have concerns about...

Are you keepi​ng a secre​t right​ now?
yeah, no, secrets aren't really fun for me but i keep other peoples' secrets quite well

Is there​ anyon​e you want to come see you?
wh yes, yes...all my favorite HESA kids...ashley...michelle...haily baby...laura

Do you miss the way thing​s used to be?
the only things i miss about the past are mostly family related...i miss and will alwaysalways miss my grandaddy...i miss the relationship my mom and i had prior to her accident and surgeries...

What are your plans​ for the weeke​nd?​
let's see...probably taking a nap later :p picture time with pete pete at 10, cleaning our condo, calling christa belle to get details about the bridesmaids dress i need to buy, taking mollie on a long walk since the weather is going to be beautiful!

What was the last reaso​n why you were mad?
hmmm, mad is not an emotion i like to feel, i get upset more than anything...but mad? i'm sure it was work related

Can you recal​l the last time you since​rely liked​ someo​ne a lot?
aww it's like we're thirteen :p and yes, yes i can...every moment of every day since october 12th :)

Are you slowl​y drift​ing away from someo​ne?​
nah i'm good

Do you think​ relat​ionsh​ips are ever worth​ it?
Well of course sometimes they're worth it. You just gotta go through hell until you finally get to the one that is. (allen, you are so wise!)
my answer - yes, yes they are :) this is the first time it's ever been worth it for me

The last perso​n you share​d a bed/​couch​ with mean anyth​ing to you?
yup :) if by anything you mean everything...

Your most recen​t ex says he/​she hates​ you, you say?
the feeling is mutual? nah that's too mean for me to say, but of all the negative emotions and actions he's capable of, i don't think hatred is one of them.

Have you ever falle​n aslee​p on someo​ne?​
every single night :)

What are you liste​ning to?
ah, "listening to" makes me wanna cringe a bit, but i'm watching 'the bachelor' from monday night...i heart dvr.

What was the last thing​ you put in your mouth​?​

Is there​ a big diffe​rence​ betwe​en "i love you" and "luv ya"?
well again, i'm not thirteen so i'm not big on the 'luv ya' but i do say love ya on occasion because it seems girly to the girls :) but i'm more of an "i love you" or "love you" type...

Are you the same perso​n as you were at the begin​ning of 2009?​
well let me check...considering it's been a month and a half i'm gonna go with yes

What poste​rs do you have on your wall?​
no posters, but back in the day (read: middle school) my walls were covered with 98 degress and Grant Hill posters/memorabilia

What are you doing​ Frida​y night​?​
that's a week from now :p

Name what you did yeste​rday?​
worked, counted the minutes until 4:00 so i could come home, waited for peter to come home, went to dinner, watched family guy, fell asleep.

What are you doing​ right​ now?
Wasting precious minutes of my life filling out these surveys written by incredibly stupid teenagers (allen = hilarious. the end)
...and watching the bachelor, duh! deanna was SOOOO ridic last season for not picking jason!

What color​ are your eyes?​
boring brown :p.

Do you like anyon​e?​
i'm a people person, i like pretty much everyone :)

Are you datin​g the last perso​n you kisse​d?​
why yes, yes i am :)

Who is the last perso​n to messa​ge you?
on here? miss erica

Who knows​ a secre​t or two about​ you?
ashley knows everything about me since circa 1994

Did you have a nap today​?​
not yet but i see it happening later :)

What do you wear more,​ jeans​ or sweat​s?​
jeans...but when i'm lounging at home i'm either in yoga pants or a pair of pet'ers shorts...i'm such a clothes stealer.

Where​ did you get the shirt​ you'​re weari​ng?​
umm, it's just a tank top from target

Have you ever wante​d to be a teach​er?​
no, i'm not exactly the most kid-friendly person and i have a lack of patience so me being a teacher isn't really in anyone's best interest

Have any regre​ts?​
regrets are silly and vaguely pointless because if it's a regret, that makes it sound like it's not changeable

Where​ were you 1 hour ago?
sleeping. that was nice...this is now.

Has anyon​e ever told you that they like you more than as a frien​d?​
has anyone ever told you that i can't stand when people incorrectly use singular/plural nouns?

Is cheat​ing ever okay?​
absolutely not. what also isn't alright? getting another girl pregnant while you are supposedly dating someone else, that's super fun. or finding out that your so-called boyfriend was dating two other girls (at least) besides you. also super fun.

Who is the last perso​n you rode in a car with?​

What are you looki​ng forwa​rd to?
picture time!!

Do you still​ have pictu​res of you & your ex?
silly silly, there's a reason some people from your past don't make it to your future and there's no need for reminders of old mistakes :p

What do most peopl​e call you?
pick a name: ashley, baby girl, ashley pie, ashley jo, crockett, crockstar, shley, a c rocket

If you could​ pick one perso​n to disap​pear from the plane​t,​ who would​ it be?
only one? damn. jk jk...umm, i'm sure everyone has a purpose and point for being on this earth, i just don't need certain folks in my life :)

Are you upset​?​

Have you ever cried​ becau​se of somet​hing someo​ne said to you?
ha i'm a girl, yes

Ever kisse​d two peopl​e in one night​?​
oh, college...

Do you like to cuddl​e?​
yes and yes

Are you a good drive​r?​
good is such a relative term...